Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Android Apps HQ: Android's Law

I was a PC guy my whole life. I actually do not remember ever not have a computer ... I believe I got my original computer when I was four years old. It was the new Texas Instrument 4A model is not able to store. All through my childhood I watched as more and better computer were released. It was 8086, then 286, 386, 486, Pentium Dual Core, Quad Core, and I think that there i9 produced by Intel at the moment, but do not quote me on it. I quit trying to stay with computers during the early part of the decade.

That's when I got on the cell phone business. I first started with a Radio Shack and got a Samsung A400 for myself. It was smooth diminutive headset (less than a Motorola RAZR, which came four years later). I switched 3 months after the N400, A500 later, and just keep on going with it. With every advance seemed phones got more choices and more power.

with computers, a phenomenon more power is called Moore's Law, which basically says that scientists can double the computer power more or less every year and a half. (Gordon Moore was one of the co-founder of Intel, wrote a paper documenting this in 1965 .)

I woke up this morning and discovered that the writer of the CNN Money has taken Moore's Law and updated production Android phone coining of the term law. It demystifies why the RAZR has remained around 5 years old, and old-school Palm Treos lasted three to four years, the BlackBerry Pearl 2-3 years, etc., but today's Android-based phone can last for six months.

I think you understand by now that I have a HTC Droid Incredible from Verizon and I swear it. He came out about a year ago and is already considered by fossil smartphone standards, but it seems to me the joy of content. According to the law of Android, though, I guess you already considered to be lifeless. My mother got a Motorola Droid 2 in December 2010, and has already broken when I got my amazing during January 2011.


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