Thursday, August 11, 2011

Glen Prospere - As new Android tablets strategy, app improvement ramps up

to launch first Google-backed Android is drawing tablet around.

Flashing another sign of the inevitability of new software, Google announced the release today of its promotion kit. This new set of tools for application developers to perform the upcoming Android three. agenda.

Android was designed with smartphones in mind. Android 3, also known as Honeycomb, is the first model from Google aimed at Tablet PCs.

The first fruit of which will be conducted in late February, when Motorola released XOOM, who works at the Verizon Wireless network. Later, Nokia and T-Mobile USA will debut G-Slate.

Google hardware partners are the images of the Android design to match the larger screen. For example, Samsung Electronics is done for the Galaxy Tab, 7-inch touch screen tablet.

However, these types of products has been criticized for taking action a child, rather than creating completely customized way to tablete.Galaxy tablets are also struggling to appeal to many applications makers willing to retool for a stronger application screens, despite Samsung promotes million of them in two months .

Google is expected to have much better luck with his official foray into tablets. Not very long after the release of Android three. improvement kit, blogs and message boards dedicated to Android applications have been digging through the documentation and start experimenting with the code.

Job offers seem closer to some of the tablet core aplikacija.Web browser looks like Google Chrome PC system, with cards talent search, and securely integrates the program desktop software to sync things like oznaka.Digitalna camera app has a wheel on the aspect of varieties effects .

To support the development of new preparation applications, the specifics of how the new Google Android handles multi-tasking and information.

Google developer info also goes into depth about how people will navigate to the tablet without physical keys - used as the name of Bar, the silver is shown at the bottom of the screen to access the home screen and navigation controls, as well as an action bar at the top, which based on changes of employment app.

Builders have been about a month to get applications ready to meet the demand that could come from Xoom has provided relief.

But it's not just about computer software that performs on larger screens. App makers will be in a position to take advantage of opportunities do not exist in any other tablets or by telephone, such as the barometer sensor placed in Motorola's upcoming tablet.


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