Kada Swype ste preuzeli, instaliran i aktiviran u Google android, potrajati nekoliko minuta i proći kroz kratke trening dolazi s kako bi ste dobili mnoge trikove i savjete. Nakon što postavite o tome koristite, to će biti baš kao i "* * BAM zašto nisam to prije ?!?!" Kada upišete, prst nikada lifta sa zaslona. Vi ne trebate biti točno, ili, pod uvjetom da ste dobili u ukupnom području slovo koje tražite, Swype prepoznaje ono što je značilo. Čak vam omogućuje unos riječi i fraze pismo-po-slovo, tako da možete dodati riječi za Swype rječnik.
...Which of you Android OS customers have gotten the phone, and you feel the loss of his 'real' keyboard buttons? My hand is in the air along with the rest of you. I have huge fingers and I am one of those people that is particularly sensitive to the sense of touch typer, it means that I do not see on the screen. Are you aware that it was rather difficult to type on a flat screen, you can not feel anything ??
Thank God for Swype! I still do not produce the tactile feeling that I got from my old Blackberry, does not actually give me a chance to type like nothing I've ever used before! For many of you, Swype should come pre-installed with the unit. (Sam to have it in my HTC HD2, which is WinMo stations.) For people who are like me and can not get that lucky, you'll have to go through to get it. Fortunately, the corporation behind Swype (Swype Inc.) makes this straight.
At the time of this writing, they are in open beta, which means that it can easily enter and get Swype for their phones. Simply check SwypeInc.com and click on the link at the bottom left corner of the screen where the mentioned Open Beta. You will need to have an e-mail registry (which can certainly have it if you have an Android!), Followed by easy to follow walk through.
Swype is also surprisingly easy medium to work with to get your thoughts straight into the phone. This requires a bit of getting used to at first (just like T9), but once you do, you'll never go back. Swype is actually created by the same guy who designed T9 SMS messaging, which in turn tells me you have an item designed by a person who only understands what he is doing.
Swype is also surprisingly easy medium to work with to get your thoughts straight into the phone. This requires a bit of getting used to at first (just like T9), but once you do, you'll never go back. Swype is actually created by the same guy who designed T9 SMS messaging, which in turn tells me you have an item designed by a person who only understands what he is doing.
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