iPhones and Android ... both are the most sought after smartphone generation. With these two smartphones, life is getting easier and easier. However, the developer, developing applications for these two smartphone is definitely a treat, because it can address a global audience with aplikacijama.Usporedba between Android and iPhone application development as set forth below:
- programming language : iPhone app development language Objective-C, which is a programming language based on C with some extensions to object-oriented versions, such as interfaces, and dynamic typing , classes, inheritance, messages and more. On the other hand, the Android application development based on Java. Many developers consider that Java is a no-brainer programming tool. For this reason, if you are a programmer who loves coding, iPhone application development can excite more than android development.
- platform comparison: With the iPhone, finding functionality is very difficult, and the case is quite contrary to the android. iPhone applications is quite closed, while android development based on open source. To download the iPhone source code, you may have to resort to Google, but download the Android source code is easier and faster. In other words, the Android platform classes are predictable and consistent in terms of looks. For this reason, the beginner choice should be the development of Android than iPhone development.
- programming model comparisons between the iPhone and Android application development: iPhone programming model is based on the MVC design pattern. Use this tool to build the user interface is easier, because all codes are properly placed in the source code. On the other hand, later supported by several processes. So, a little complicated. However, both these platforms provide a statement on the settings in XML. Android is a sample XML enables integration of custom user interface components. While the iPhone, this is an extensive job.
- Resources comparison between the two platforms: There are numerous resources for iPhone developers. It has video, so that developers can watch them carefully, and to employ them. On the other hand, the Android SDK provides the proper guidance API settings. Many programmers would say that free resources are organized and suitable for all developers. Moreover, there is a clear and accurate policy NDA Apple in terms of open source.
- comparison tool: In this section, both are almost the same. There is not much difference between their tools of both platforms. Tool interface includes a debugger, profiler, IDE, user interface, and the builder.
From the above discussion, it is clear that both the iPhone and Android application development has some benefits, as well as disadvantages. It depends on developers and their desires and needs which platform he or she will odabrati.Pro and cons are there to help. To get your applications built on these two popular and powerful platforms, visit.
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