Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mobile Phone Accessories - Top Android Apps For Your Phone

the functionality of Android-powered smartphone with the latest mobile phone accessories and mobile applications makes this handset a very attractive option for a wide range of potrošača.Ljepota Android Market that is open-source platform, allowing professional programmers and amateurs alike to produce applications that are can improve your daily life.

Here are some of the highest recommended Android applications which are available free and paid, for the Android Marketplace:

Zoom Camera FX - Many Android-powered smartphone a little weak in the camera department. Therefore Zoom Camera FX app is such an impressive addition to Android phone. With 40 unique effects, the camera is increased to nearly the extent of the iPhone.

co-pilot Live 8 - Although Google Maps is impressive and compelling choice for navigation, for a price of £ 23.47 copilot Live 8 is a complete package, with its voice prompts and detailed traffic information, including the speed camera sites to provide smooth transition from point A to B.

SportsTap - the ultimate application for sports fans around the world. SportsTap has combined all the latest sports scores from football, baseball and NASCAR on football, tennis and cricket, which means that users with the push of a button away from keeping informed on the progress of their favorite teams, players and drivers.

Aloqa - This free application is especially handy if you are visiting a new city or town and ask for recommendations for local restaurants, bars and clubs, and even shopping malls. Aloqa is a GPS-powered applications and offers places based on the overall wishes and previous actions.

TripIt - impressive travel itinerary organizer that pulls all your travel plans together into one neat list. Although the app is free to require a simple registration web approved software.

It is particularly popular mobile phone accessories are just the tip of the iceberg with the Android Marketplace is undoubtedly the largest database of applications for smartphone users.


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